Friday, December 21, 2012

The Angels at Christmas time: What’s with that?

The Angels at Christmas time: What’s with that? (via

Why is there so much about angels in the Nativity narratives of the Bible? The Biblical account is a narrative. It is constructed in the form of a story. So if the whole story of God is being told through the history of God’s dealings with creation, who is the story for? Who is the audience? It…

Friday, November 23, 2012

Genesis 3: No Curse on Adam and Eve. “μη γενοιτο”!

Genesis 3: No Curse on Adam and Eve. “μη γενοιτο”! (via
Human kind was certainly not cursed by God at the Fall, nor would it be theologically possible The event in question is Adam and Eve’s initial moment of sin, in taking the forbidden fruit, described in Genesis 3. This is called the “Original Sin”. I have discussed the theology of Original Sin…

Original Sin: The Original Meaning

Original Sin: The Original Meaning (via
Original Sin, the meaning revealed… without even mentioning sex! Original Sin is a doctrine completely separate from any notion of sex or sexuality. The Church has managed to confuse those ideas in most unhelpful ways throughout history, but I won’t be doing so here. So if you’re in the mood…

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A magnifying glass on the Galileans, the Blood, the Tower of Siloam, and the Vineyard of Luke 13:1-9

A magnifying glass on the Galileans, the Blood, the Tower of Siloam, and the Vineyard of Luke 13:1-9 (via

Luke 13:19 – Pilate, Tower, Siloam, Galileans, Blood, Sarcifices, Sin, Calamity, Vinyard, and Jesus. I recently wrote this essay on Luke 13:1-9. My findings surprised me in one way: I had always thought this passage was about “sin and calamity”, but as it turns out, most Bible scholars thing…

Friday, November 2, 2012

Big Fella and the Promise

Big Fella and the Promise (via

“This life is very real to me, God” That’s precisely what the promise does, if we are to understand it properly.   Other articles about the Ipswich Street Ministry Marketplace Christianity - In a Marketplace!Street Links 2012 - God does not show favouritism.Evangelism: What is it? Do you have…

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Big Fella is Seeing the World Through God's Eyes

Big Fella is “Seeing the World Through God’s Eyes” (via

“No more jail cells. Bill’s been paid. No more ticket to hell” For Big Fella, it’s personal. He’s still got friends in the drug scene, and he wants to pluck them out, one by one. Now, there’s an evangelistic enterprise…     Other articles about the Ipswich Street Ministry Marketplace…

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Naked Gospel

The Naked Gospel (via

What is a ‘Christian Culture’? No matter how we define a Christian culture, it must begin with Christ himself, in who’s name it stands. By definition, everything that we find in “Christian culture” must be found in him, otherwise we are badly mistaken. That’s just common sense, right? So…